Man Stabbed

Dispatcher Files

A call came in from a AAA Response (TrackBox) member in the eMbo area, regarding a 39 year-old male who had been stabbed in the back and was bleeding profusely. I established the nearest landmark to enable emergency services to get there as soon as possible.

When I called the member again he notified me that they had decided to use private transport to get the patient to Hillcrest as it was closer and easy to find. I then coordinated the state ambulance service with the new location in Hillcrest.

Shortly thereafter the two parties met and the patient was taken by ambulance to the nearest government hospital. The good news was that the patient survived and was discharged the following morning.

We @Together SACAN are always so happy to be able to assist in saving a life/lives, and grateful to the member/s who called in for assistance for their friends/family.

TrackBox ERPC Dispatcher:
Mdu (SA21)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |
#TrackBox #SACAN #Teamwork #DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #Download_the_App

*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.