What is Bullying?

Dispatcher Files

Bullying is repeated, aggressive behaviour that can be either physical or verbal.

The victim is made to feel hurt, angry, afraid, helpless, hopeless, isolated, ashamed and even guilty, that the bullying is somehow their fault. They may even feel suicidal.

This generally affects the victims physical health as well, and they are at a greater risk of developing mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Types of bullying

Physical bullying includes the following:

  • Hitting, kicking or pushing a person, or even threatening to do so
  • Stealing, hiding or damaging someone’s personal belongings
  • Harassing or humiliating a person
  • Making a person do things that he or she does not want to do.

Verbal bullying includes the following:

  • Name-calling
  • Teasing, taunting
  • Refusing to talk to a person
  • Excluding a person from groups or activities
  • Spreading lies or rumours about a person
  • Insulting or otherwise verbally abusing a person.

ERPC Dispatcher: Mdu (SA21)
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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.