How to deal with emergency situations

Dispatcher Files

While dealing with an emergency situation may be difficult, it becomes a little more manageable if you know what to do. Have a look at the following steps:

  • Remain Calm

You are only able to respond to an emergency situation if you are in a stable and calm state of mind. Panicking can in fact make matters even worse and prevent your ability to make the right decisions.

One way to avoid a state of panic is to participate in mind-training exercises and meditation. Reacting speedily but intelligently and calmly is the key to being responsive to an emergency.

  • Move to a Safe Location

It is very important to move yourself and others to a safe location to avoid further damage to life and property. In order to do so, you can take part in safety drills to learn to rescue yourself and others in case of an emergency.

  • Provide First Aid

Determine if you or others have received injuries that require first aid treatment. For instance, you can tie a strap around the wound to stop the bleeding or perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in case of a cardiac arrest. You can enroll in an online course to train yourself to provide basic medical assistance.

  • Ask for Help

As soon as you have provided first aid, activate your AAA Response app and give as precise information as possible about the situation. Conveying what caused the situation, the age of the victims and their condition are all key points of information.

  • Communicate with the Victims

Until the rescuers arrive, communicate with those wounded to help them divert their attention from pain and stay hopeful about their recovery. Communication with them may also help you to find out whether they have any medical conditions that need special attention.

  • Convey Accurate Information

When the rescuers arrive, focus on providing them as accurate information as possible to help them determine the right treatment for the victims.

  • Document Your Progress

Note down details of how you responded to the emergency situation so that you are able to react even better in the future. Appreciate your strengths and identify any weaknesses that you need to work on to become a better responder.

ERPC Dispatcher: Michael (SA37)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.