Essentials that you should always keep in your car

Dispatcher Files

Being prepared for emergencies on the road is essential. Here are a few items that you should always have in your vehicle:

1.  Tyre changing tools
2.  Tyre sealant
3.  Jumper cables
4.  Tyre pressure gauge
5.  Duct tape
6.  A pair of work gloves
7.  Fire extinguisher
8.  Multi-tool
9.  Torch
10. Notebook and pen
11. Reflective triangles
12. First aid kit

ERPC Dispatcher: Savannah (SA48)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

#TrackBox #SACAN #Teamwork #DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #Download_the_App

*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.