Intruders on property

Dispatcher Files

On the first night shift of my recent cycle, at around 21h30 I received a call from one of our AAA Response members reporting that an intruder was inside his yard and he needed assistance. After dispatching SAPS to the member, I confirmed with the member whether he was able to see the intruder in order to get a description but unfortunately it was too dark. He did confirm that he suspected there were two because he could hear them talking.

SAPS arrived at the scene and searched the property. Thankfully on closer inspection the SAPS members and our AAA Response member noticed that there were some nearby neighbours who were at the bottom of their yard having a discussion and that it was in fact these neighbours that were mistaken as intruders in the member’s property. Thanks to Pinetown SAPS for the quick response and for helping to resolve the situation.

Dispatcher: Natia (SA47)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.