Gone into false labour

Dispatcher Files

We received a call late one night from a AAA Response member who had previously called in for her daughter who had gone into false labour. This time she reported that her daughter’s water had broken and that she needed to get to the hospital as she was in a lot of pain and the baby was on its way.

Netcare911 was swiftly dispatched to the members’ residence to provide assistance and support.  Netcare arrived at the residence shortly and attended to the daughter before transporting her to a nearby hospital.

The Netcare team advised us that the patient was stabilised, had been taken to hospital and would be assisted by doctors and nurses to induce labour and deliver the baby. We will remain in contact with our members to receive updates on the progress of the mother and newborn baby.

TrackBox ERPC National & International
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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.