Reptile inside the house

Dispatcher Files

We received a call from a AAA Response member reporting that they had a reptile inside their house and it was currently underneath a bed. Our member lives nearby the Nkutu Picnic site that is part of the Ezemvelo Kloof Gorge Conservancy. We recommended that our member close the windows and doors to keep the reptile in that area. I contacted Byron from Snakes of Africa who was able to assist.

Byron was at our members’ location within a short period to assist. He sent through photos of a young Leguan that he had rescued from under the bed. Leguan’s are common in forested areas with natural water and humid conditions. They represent no risk to humans.

The Leguan was safely removed and returned to its natural habitat in The Kloof Gorge.

Dispatcher: SA48 Savannah 
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.