Suspects flee when Neighbourhood Watch intervenes

Dispatcher Files

We recently received a call from a AAA Response member requesting assistance after an attempted burglary at a residence in the Hillcrest area. She had received an alert from a Neighbourhood Watch group that a Burglary was in progress at a neighbour’s property. The neighbours were reportedly not at home.

We immediately contacted Hillcrest SAPS and a local Security Service Provider. The Security Service Provider and members of the Neighbourhood Watch group were on scene within minutes. The intervention from these parties caused the suspects to flee from the scene. The surrounding area was searched to check if there was stolen property left behind. I further advised that Hillcrest SAPS should be contacted if it was found that belongings had been stolen.

Thanks to quick intervention and team work the loss of property was prevented.

Dispatcher: SA37 Michael
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.