Company vehicle in an accident, driver injured.

Dispatcher Files

At the start of a recent evening shift, we received a call from a member reporting that one of his company vehicles had been in an accident and the driver of the vehicle was injured. 

Our member is a security company service provider and operates in the remote areas of Mpumalanga. 

We were able to establish the location of the accident and then  swiftly dispatched ambulance services  for the driver. He was transported to the nearest Hospital for further attention. We were then able to locate a towing service provider in that area to assist.

The damaged vehicle was stored at the towing service provider’s premises due to the late hour and then moved to an approved Panel Beater the following morning. All details of the incident, including pictures of the damaged vehicle, were sent to the claims manager as well as the broker to arrange required repairs.

Dispatcher: SA21 Mduduzi
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.