Attempted Hijacking of N2 and Inanda Road in Durban

Dispatcher Files

We received a call just before 12 am one morning from a Monitor Administrators member for CoDriver Roadside Assist advising that the company had had an incident at the corner of N2 and Inanda Road in Durban. The driver and the vehicle owner explained that they had experienced an attempted Hijacking. The offenders managed to remove the vehicle keys but fortunately did not make off with the vehicle. The request was to provide assistance with keys in order to remove the vehicle from the incident scene.

Within a short period, and while we were arranging the required service provider, we received a call from our member advising that the vehicle Keys had been found in the surrounding bushes.

There was no damage to the vehicle and the driver was able to drive away from the incident scene unscathed. We followed up with the vehicle owner and the driver to ensure they arrived safely at their destinations.

We advised our member to open a case with SAPS for attempted hijacking.

Dispatcher : SA47 Natia
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.