The help you need in that moment of time

At Trackbox, we strive to be the best, providing A Grade services to all our members. As dispatchers, we go through the task of self studying to attain A Grade Certification according to PSIRA registration.

We push ourselves to be the best we can to assist our members, we push ourselves to be the fastest on the end of the line to assist each and every person that activates their AAA Response App.

Our main goal as dispatchers is to get you, the member, the help you need in that moment of time. Whether it be an accidental activation, a query, admin or app support, or a real life emergency.

We make sure that you as the members know that our 1 ring policy stands true and that no matter what time of day or night, you are always in safe hands and have someone here to assist you.

We all have a job in life but here at Trackbox, we are motivated by passion and dedication to make South Africa a better and safer place for all. Yes it sounds like a long shot and you may be asking yourself, “but how can they make South Africa a better safer place?”

The answer is simple! With passion, drive, a strong will and a vision that we have adopted wholeheartedly to run with and make the most success of.

SA24 Michelle BaarsTrackBox ERPC National & International
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