Nearly Abducted

In the control room information is key to us as it is our starting point to get everything on the go .In an emergency, it is very difficult to pay attention to detail, but this is one of the most important keys to our success in helping you. 

If you have been robbed, nearly abducted or any emergency event, the more details you provide us, the more we can do to achieve in assisting members. Complete as much of your MyVault profile as possible as soon as you can so that during the actual emergency, you don’t have to remember as much detail.

I received a call for assistance on an attempted abduction with almost no information given, and not enough to help.The Local Neighbourhood Watch HW contacted me to advise that they had received information of a lady that was nearly abducted by either an SUV or a bakkie. 

No information on the make and model or registration was given, even a partial registration would have assisted me in finding the possible vehicle of interest and with such an incomplete  description, it was impossible to find the suspicious vehicle on the @SNIPR Network that could have been linked to the crime.

In these situations I know how traumatizing it can be, but please remember that Information is key to us, so I urge public to please try their best to get as much information as they can in order for us to help them and bring justice where its due. 

At Trackbox & SACAN we strive for results and we strive to protect and help our members the best way possible as well as get the well deserved success in putting a stop to such crimes in our areas.

To all our members out there be safe and be vigilant of your surroundings

SA38 Stephanie
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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