POACHING – But not what you might think…

Whilst the main focus is on the poaching of rhinos and elephants, there are other categories that go under the radar and are not as commonly known by the public. Poaching covers a broad spectrum and in recent years we have seen an increase in incidences of the poaching of wildlife with dogs, as well as flora and bird species, but it doesn’t just end there. 

There is also poaching of fish in our local waterways and as an avid bass angler who fishes competitively and spends hours out on the water, I have come across several illegal gill nets throughout my career. 

The illegal trade of reptiles native to South Africa is also a problem – Black Mambas, Gaboon Vipers (now a protected species), African Rock Pythons, Agama lizards, Rock Monitor lizards, etc., all get sold on the black market to overseas buyers. 

Anything that belongs within its natural environment and is taken without permit is classified as being poached. Poaching is a widespread epidemic that takes many forms, both aquatic and land-based. 

From sea to shore, from the savanna biomes to the forest biomes, from ‘Big 5’ game reserves to the smaller nature reserves – if something is taken from, or killed within the area without a permit, it is seen as being poached and those guilty will be charged in a court of law.

Please inform us of any suspicious or known poaching activity through the @AAA Response (TrackBox) app or get in contact with us with the information provided below.

Michael (SA37)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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