Quick tips to avoid vehicle theft or hijacking

Dispatcher Files

With the increase of motor vehicle thefts, please be vigilant and ensure that your vehicles are locked properly whilst at shopping malls and open spaces such as beaches, sidewalks, etc… Our team has dealt with hundreds of stolen vehicle cases where some have been recovered and others are still yet to be found. 

With the help of registration recognition technologies, we are able to watch certain cameras throughout South Africa and when a stolen/wanted vehicle goes past one of the cameras, our controllers are notified by an alert and we can action it from there by dispatching the relevant response teams to stop the vehicle and apprehend the suspects.

Quick tips to avoid the theft or hijacking of your motor vehicle:

  • Most hijackings occur when you arrive home. Open the gate to your property from a distance away to have it half open or just enough to get through, and do not stop in your driveway before opening. This helps if you are being followed, enabling you to drive straight through the gate and close it immediately without having to wait for it to open and fall victim to opportunistic criminals.
  • Always walk around the car after you have locked it and ensure that all doors are locked and windows closed. Vehicles can be broken into through a finger-sized gap, when the suspect will put his fingers through the gap and drop to his knees while holding onto the window, breaking the mechanism that closes the window and giving them full access into the vehicle.
  • Always check your surroundings. A person or vehicle that looks suspicious or out of place, most likely is, and they are there to take a chance.
  • When stopped at a red robot and there are people walking around your vehicle, always watch your side and rear view mirrors to see if there is anyone sneaking up on the vehicle.

Michael (SA37)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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