Carpe Diem!

Dispatcher files

We go about each day in our own set routines. It’s what we are comfortable with. It’s familiarity. With being comfortable in your set ways, the need to explore outside the box is non-existent. Why should we? 

We are content with what our days hold so why should we change that? So when I had my first shift handed to me in black and white, the reality had not struck me for what I was in for. Yes it was a very busy day but the amount of learning, experiences and situations that I was exposed to are like no other. 

The list would be endless if I were to describe the emotions that I felt all in one day. You experience first hand all sorts of situations that tend to tug at your heart strings. Your emotions go through a wild roller-coaster. By the end of the day, you have a totally different outlook on what actually happens around you. 

You become more aware and you get such an intense feeling of appreciation for those who put their lives on the line for complete strangers. You learn the entire process from when you press a button for help, to when you can go home safely to your family. 

Each and every person in society deserves a helping hand. This helping hand comes in the form of an incredible network of people who work tirelessly to make sure that you see another day. 

Today I had my first shift as an ERPC dispatcher and I learnt that each day is not “a right” but a gift!

Savannah (SA48)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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