Dangerous driving

Dispatcher Files

During my Saturday mid-morning shift I received a call from a TrackBox member who reported a vehicle that was driving recklessly in the Pinetown area. The driver was an elderly lady who appeared to be in a state of mental distress and it was clear that she needed to be stopped so as to prevent any danger to herself or other road users. 

I entered the vehicle details on the SNIPR™ Automatic Number Plate Recognition System and was able to locate the area it had come from as well as establish the ownership details. I was able to contact a family member at the place of residence who reported that the lady driver (her mother) had arrived home safely and that all was in order. She expressed thanks for our concern and assistance in this matter.

In any emergency please use your AAA Response (TrackBox) app and we will assist in whatever way we can. This covers the whole of South Africa.

Anything! Anywhere! Anytime!

Dispatcher: Natia (SA47)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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