Poachers Caught (Hilton)

Dispatcher Files

On my afternoon shift at approximately 16:30 I received a call from a TrackBox member in Hilton who had heard the distress call of a buck. When he looked through his binoculars, he could see two handlers and their three hunting dogs which were attacking a duiker. 

I alerted SAPS for the area but unfortunately they were busy attending to another incident, so I then contacted other conservation members for the area, and they said they would go out to try and apprehend the poachers. 

At 16:52 I received news that SAPS had arrested the poachers and recovered the carcass. Contact was then made with the original complainant and the landowner in order for them to open a case.

Thanks go to SAPS Hilton for this arrest and also to the conservation officers and members who are always alert and prepared to go out in such circumstances to help protect and save our wildlife heritage.

ERPC Dispatcher: Shimown
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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