Missing Person, last seen in hired car

Dispatcher Files

Received a call from a AAA Response (TrackBox) member in Bloemfontein reporting a missing person. He was last seen at around 8 a.m. the previous day and was travelling from Welkom to Bloemfontein in a hired car.

A description of the person was obtained and a local alert was sent out onto the AAA Response Casebook platform. A missing person’s case was also opened at the local police station and the vehicle registration loaded onto the SNIPR™ database.

From the time the alert was received, I kept in touch with the family members, obtaining whatever information I could to find out as to where he may be. 

At 09:20 I was happy to receive a call from a family member to say that the person had been found, and was safe.

TrackBox ERPC Dispatcher:
TrackBox ERPC National & International
https://trackbox.world | https://t.me/BriansPD
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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.