Public Disorder/Protests

Dispatcher Files

South Africans have in recent months experienced many traffic delays, disruptions and at times total road closures brought about by protests, riots and incidents of public violence. These protests are invariably related to service delivery, education and social issues, and an estimated 80% of protests involve violence.

On my morning shift I received an alert from a member reporting that the N2 from eNseleni towards KwaMbonambi was blocked by protestors, with vehicles not being allowed to pass. 

I contacted SAPS eNseleni who were aware of the protests and informed me that additional roads in the area were completely blocked. Schools in KwaMbonambi were also closed. 

I published an alert on the AAA Response Casebook platform to warn motorists to avoid the area. The situation remained tense until late afternoon when the protestors began to disperse.

  • Safety always starts with planning – the best way not to become part of any unrest situation is to not be there in the first place.
  • If you are aware of trouble in an area and it is not essential to travel, rather delay your journey or find alternate routes.


TrackBox Dispatcher:
Angal (SA31)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |
#TrackBox #SACAN #Teamwork #DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #Download_the_App @SAPS

*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.