Accident in the Plantation near Melmoth

At around 12:00 midday I had received a call from one of our corporate clients that there had been an accident in the plantation near Melmoth. No details of the incident were available so I called @Netcare 911 and put them on standby while I awaited further information.

The information was then received that there was a single patient involved in an accident with a tractor that had rolled. Netcare mobilised an emergency service provider from a nearby town and put their helicopter on standby, awaiting the first aid person to get to the scene and assess the patient’s injuries. On assessment of the injury by the first aider, Netcare decided to launch the helicopter as the nearest ambulance was more than an hour away.

Soon afterwards the helicopter landed nearby and the paramedics onboard were taken to the scene. They stabilised the patient and as they were concerned about a possible spinal injury they loaded the patient into the helicopter and flew him to a nearby hospital where he was admitted to the ICU.

After being thoroughly examined by the doctor on duty he was cleared for spinal injury but was found to have three broken ribs resulting in haemothorax. The patient is still in hospital but thankfully well on the road to recovery.

*Haemothorax is a life-threatening injury that occurs when blood collects between the chest wall and lungs causing difficulty in breathing. It can cause the lung to collapse if not treated in time.

Michelle (SA24)
TrackBox ERPC National & International