Android Cleanup!

Dispatcher Files

While enjoying breakfast at a local coffee shop one Saturday morning, I noticed an elderly lady at the table next to mine who seemed to be struggling with her phone.

On enquiring if she needed help, she said her phone was terribly slow and her airtime and data were being depleted very quickly. I offered to take a look at it and “clean it up”. I then went through all the apps and uninstalled the unnecessary ones and disabled the “bloatware” (preloaded apps which are not essential for the functioning of the device). 

She also had two antivirus apps installed which were definitely conflicting with one another, so I uninstalled them as well. The phone had been given to her by her grandson so there were also some gaming apps that were seriously affecting the functioning of the phone. Deleting them and clearing the cache also helped.

After about 15 minutes I handed her phone back and assured her that it would now be running much quicker than before. She was very pleased and noticed an immediate difference, thanking me for my help in doing this.

In our line of work at Trackbox technologies we find that many cell phones are “hand-me-downs” passed from children to their parents or grandparents, and as a result they need a thorough “clean up”. This is an essential part of maintenance in order to keep your device performing well, and should be done every so often to maximise efficiency.

Dispatcher: Steven (SA19)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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