Assault – Physical

Dispatcher Files

During a recent day shift, I received an activation from a AAA Response member in Durban on behalf of his employee who had been beaten up by community members to such an extent that he couldn’t walk.

I called the victim directly and he advised that he just needed SAPS to come out. I  dispatched SAPS and an ambulance in order for paramedics to determine his condition. 

The ambulance arrived and the paramedics checked his condition, fortunately reporting no serious injuries or fractures. A case was opened at the local SAPS station by the victim and in the coming weeks we will be sure to follow up with the progress made in this case.

In such situations it is important to remain calm and get police to the scene as soon as possible. Avoid any intimidation or further confrontation.

ERPC Dispatcher: Natia (SA47)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.