ATM Robbery

Dispatcher Files

We received a call from a TrackBox AAA Response member to say that he had been robbed after drawing cash from an ATM in a local shopping centre. After completing the transaction he was approached by unknown individuals and robbed of his wallet. Within minutes he received an SMS notifying him that R5000 had been taken out of his account. The robbers had seen him enter his PIN number while at the ATM, and now with his card in their possession were quickly able to draw cash from a nearby garage before he had time to report his card as being stolen.  

The victim was however able to get the registration number of the robbers’ getaway vehicle, which was then loaded to the SNIPR™ ANPR system.

Always be aware of who is around you when drawing cash, whether inside a bank or at an ATM. Criminals will use any means necessary to rob you or obtain information which they can use to steal your hard earned cash.

Steve (SA19)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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