Be aware of snakes this summer

Dispatcher Files

If you encounter a snake in or around your home, keep calm and follow these tips. 

  • Mow lawn often and keep it fairly short.
    Snakes are less likely to reside and move through a short lawn as it increases their exposure to predators such as owls and hawks. Shorter lawn also makes snakes easier to spot.
  • Avoid over-watering your lawn
    Too much landscape water may attract prey species such as worms, slugs and frogs, which in turn may attract snakes seeking a meal.
  • Keep trees and shrubs trimmed and away from your home and garage and keep branches off the ground
    Creating a 60 to 90 cm high space underneath trees and shrubs will help keep snakes at bay, and will make it easier to spot them if they do enter in.
  • If you feed wild birds in your garden, keep the feeder further away from the house
    Birds are messy eaters and often leave seed scattered below the feeder. Seeds on the ground attract rodents, which may also attract snakes seeking a meal. Store bird seed in an airtight container.
  • Feed pets inside.
    Feeding pets outside can attract insects and rodents which in turn attracts snakes. If feeding outside is necessary, be sure to clean up uneaten food promptly. Store pet food in an airtight container.
  • Store firewood, excess lumber and other types of debris away from your home.
    These provide perfect places for snakes to hide.
  • Think before you landscape.
    Avoid using mulch and large rocks in your landscape as they attract snakes and their prey and can create a suitable breeding habitat. Instead, use smaller, tight-fitting rock such as gravel or river rock. 

Activate your AAA Response app or call us on 086 168 7225 if you need assistance with dispatching a snake handler to help catch and safely relocate a snake in your home or garden.

ERPC Dispatcher: Mdu (SA21)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.