Breakdown safety

Dispatcher Files

To reduce the risk of a breakdown, it is always best to plan ahead and check that your vehicle is in good roadworthy condition and that you have enough fuel for your trip. 

In the event of a breakdown or flat tyre:

  • Only stop if you absolutely have to, and if possible find a safe spot to pull off the road, such as a picnic site, or area where there is a wide curb or emergency lane. Try to avoid parking on blind corners or rises where other traffic may find it harder to see you in advance.
  • Park your vehicle as far to the left as possible. If it is not safe to exit the vehicle, remain in your seat with your seatbelt on and call for roadside assistance.
  • Always turn on your hazard lights in the event of a breakdown, even if you have removed your car from the roadway.
  • Assess the road and surrounds for hazards and risks. Remember it is difficult for large vehicles and vehicles travelling at high speed to stop or slow down quickly.
  • If it is safe to do so, exit your car, preferably from the passenger side, and stand well clear of the road, behind a safety barrier if one is present, provided the area behind the barrier is safe.
  • If you break down in poor light conditions, also turn on your parking lights.
  • It is recommended you carry a high-visibility vest and safety markers inside your vehicle, so you can easily and safely access them if you break down.

ERPC Dispatcher: Natia (SA48) 
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.