Civilian Arrest

Dispatcher Files

During my night shift in the control room I received a call from a TrackBox member who was working late and requested a reg. check for a suspicious vehicle parked on his business premises. The information I received came up ‘positive’ for a stolen/hijacked vehicle. The member managed to keep his presence low key until this info came in and he then proceeded to apprehend the two suspects using cable ties to prevent them from escaping.

I assisted the member by calling the nearest SAPS to inform them about the situation, and that the two suspects were currently being held along with the vehicle. Local SAPS quickly dispatched a vehicle to the scene and promptly arrested the suspects. The vehicle was sent to the pound to be cleared, and the owners informed.

For our control room and the owners of the vehicle it was a success and a joyous evening as the fight against crime had been successful.

Important Note: it is advisable to exercise extreme caution when dealing with suspects / known criminals. It is safest to avoid confrontation and rather alert your nearest police department, neighbourhood watch or an organisation such as Together SA CAN to ensure your safety.

Stephanie (SA38)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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