Damage-causing Animals

Dispatcher Files

I received a call recently while on day-shift regarding two dogs that had been on a farm, killing the local wildlife. The member had reported that the dogs had repeatedly come onto the property and she had heard the bleats of the buck that the dogs had hunted and killed. She also reported that every other day she had seen a doe Bushbuck and its calf in the fields in front of her house as well as a few Duiker, but not since the dogs had been gaining entry onto her land. 

When the call came in regarding the dogs being on her land, Honorary Officers were immediately  notified and the DCO (District Conservation Officer) for the area asked for permission to deal with the situation. SAPS had also been called and requested as back-up for the reaction officers should a lawful execution of the dogs be required. 

Upon calling the member back for further information as to the whereabouts of the dogs, she confirmed that they had left her property and were headed through the bush onto her neighbour’s farm. It was later discovered that the dogs belonged to the owner of the neighbouring property and due to negligence in fencing off this property, the dogs were able to access the adjacent farms. The owner of the dogs were then quoted a section of the Honorary Officers Act that advised him on what charges he could be faced with if he did not sort out the issue of containing his dogs. Once he had read the charges he realised how serious the offences were as well as what could happen to his dogs if he did not take measures to prevent this from happening again.

Fortunately charges were not pressed against the dog owner and he was given time to resolve the situation by repairing the fencing on his property, which he did soon thereafter.

Michael (SA37)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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