Disturbing the Peace

Dispatcher Files

Noise pollution is a growing problem and many residents are stumped as to what to do about excessive noise, whether this is due to noisy neighbours or other sources, such as business or industrial activity.

One of our AAA Response (TrackBox) members in Gauteng called in to report that residents of a neighbouring house were playing very loud music which had been carrying on the whole day, with no respect for any of the surrounding neighbours.

I contacted the nearest  SAPS branch to report the matter, as well as providing them with our members contact details. While SAPS dispatched a van to the area, I contacted our member back to provide an update.


Noise control in Gauteng is governed by the Environmental Conservation Act (Act 73 0f 1989). The regulations specified in the Act apply at all times and, in Johannesburg, fines for violations vary, but can be as high as R1,500.00.

In any emergency, call the AAA Response ERPC – 08616-87225 – for Anything, Anytime, Anywhere.

[Sources: https://www.gov.za/sites/default/files/gcis_document/201503/act-73-1989.pdf]

ERPC dispatcher:
Angal Brown (SA31)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
https://trackbox.world | https://t.me/BriansPD
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