Domestic Dispute

Dispatcher Files

I received a panic activation from a TrackBox member and on calling her back she explained that she needed some advice and did not know what to do. She explained that her child’s father had taken the child and she had been unable to get any access to her child for the past two weeks. 

She was concerned for her child’s safety as the father and his girlfriend had had a violent altercation earlier in the evening. I put her in touch with #Careline_Crisis_Centre and another organisation local to her area to assist with keeping the child safe. The member was very grateful and thanked me for the help rendered.

Cases involving possible mistreatment of children are always difficult and we always strive to get the right people involved who are best equipped to assist in these matters.

TrackBox ERPC National & International
#TrackBox #SACAN #Teamwork #DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #Download_the_App @Trackbox @Careline Crisis Centre