Elderly lady suffers a fall

Dispatcher Files

Recently I had a AAA-Response (TrackBox) member phone in, telling us that his grandmother had fallen. She was not only a very delicate lady but she also had a pacemaker. This meant that high levels of stress or anxiety could cause complications for her. 

We responded ASAP and dispatched an ambulance for her and in the interim I made numerous phone calls to the grandson to reassure him that help was on the way. 

The ambulance arrived timeously and the patient was safely transported to the nearest hospital. Thankfully there were no complications with her pacemaker, however he did suffer a broken hip and bruising on her side which required an operation.

In any emergency use your AAA-Response (TrackBox) app and we will do our utmost to get the necessary help to you.

Savannah (SA48)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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