Farmer spotted poachers with hunting dogs in his farming area…

Dispatcher Files

A short while after booking onto my night shift I received a call from a farmer saying that he had spotted poachers with their hunting dogs in his farming area. I informed local SAPS and the honorary officer for the area. 

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the poachers had left the area and a plan was made to check for signs of poaching in the morning. 

However, about an hour later we received a message from the same farmer that he had heard gunshots in the area and was in pursuit of the ‘suspected poachers’ vehicle. Local SAPS and security were informed and joined the pursuit. 

The vehicle was stopped approximately 30 minutes later by security members. Five suspects were apprehended and one firearm found in their possession. The suspects and firearm were handed over to SAPS and the vehicle impounded.

Michelle (SA24)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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