Gunshots outside…

Dispatcher Files

We recently received a panic activation from a AAA Response member. The member who lives in Polokwane, Limpopo, reported that she had heard roughly 9 gunshots outside of her property. We were able to identify her exact location immediately as she had activated her premium AAA Response App which sends a panic activation as well as the GPS coordinates to our IMICS (Incident Management & Information Capturing System) platform.

We advised the member to remain indoors and immediately contacted the local SAPS station. SAPS arrived on the scene within a short period and after further investigation by SAPS, it was discovered that there was a deceased person in the street. The circumstances surrounding this death are unknown, and SAPS will continue with the required investigations.

Dispatcher: SA47 Natia
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

#TrackBox #SACAN #Teamwork #DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #Download_the_App

*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.