Head on collision on the M4

That one call that every family dreads the most! Receiving a call from Emergency Services or the Hospital to advise you that your loved one has been in a car accident or has passed on.

I received an activation stating that there had been a head on collision on the M4 just before the Umdloti turn off and that one victim was deceased. I quickly dispatch Netcare and SAPS Metro to rush on scene.

I then received photos of the accident and as I view these pictures my heart just bleeds with sorrow for the families of those involved in this accident. These are parents of little ones that have just started school. Those children are eagerly waiting for their parents to arrive back from work.

I urge each and every parent, grandparent, brother and sister, please drive with caution on the roads. Remember when we are on the road we are driving with other people’s families . Be mindful of speed, be patient with each other on the roads and always keep within 5 metres driving distance.

As a driver on the road stay alert at all times as abrupt stopping can be caused by a variety of unforeseen events.


SA31 Angal Brown
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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