Hit and Run Incident

Dispatcher Files

Springs (Gauteng) – A AAA Response (TrackBox) Member activated his app to report a hit and run incident that had just occurred. A male pedestrian had been knocked over and the vehicle in question had fled the scene. I immediately dispatched @Netcare911. .

I then called Springs SAPS and informed them, providing them with location coordinates and the member on scene’s contact number. I called our member  on scene afterwards to get an updated situation report as well as to let them know that an ambulance was on the way.

A short while later I received confirmation that both the ambulance and SAPS were on scene.

A road accident will be criminally investigated by the SAPS in the following instances:

  • when a person has been killed (culpable homicide),
  • when a person has been seriously injured,
  • when a vehicle of a national or provincial government department has been involved in an accident or contributed to an accident,
  • when it appears that a serious offence has been committed, and/or
  • a written complaint is made by either a victim of the road accident, an eye-witness or a member of the community that an offence has been committed.

[Source: https://www.saps.gov.za/faqdetail.php?fid=10]

Remember to activate your AAA Response (TrackBox) App for Anything! Anytime! Anywhere!

ERPC Dispatcher:
Michael (SA37)

TrackBox ERPC National & International
https://trackbox.world | https://t.me/BriansPD
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