Hit by a Car

Dispatcher Files

It was early morning and a TrackBox member called in about a pedestrian who was hit by a car. She reported the accident to us because she witnessed it while driving and there was no ambulance or police at the scene. 

@Netcare911 was promptly dispatched making sure no time was wasted in sending help as every second counts in situations like these. In no time at all I could hear the sirens as they headed to the scene. I also alerted the police nearest to the scene of the accident. They said they had already got the call and should be on scene. Fortunately the driver of the car did not flee the scene.

I heaved a huge sigh of relief when I got feedback from @Netcare911 that they had stabilised the patient and were on their way to the closest hospital. I was also happy because the family members of the victim would be able to see the patient in hospital and that he had not become another statistic who had not received help in time.

 We can all play an important role in helping one another in time of need.

Mdu (SA21)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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