Immediately able to identify their location

Dispatcher Files

We received a panic activation from one of our members in the Pretoria area. Due to their use of our AAA Response app we were immediately able to identify their location. The member reported that she had been out to have a meal and that a bar fight had broken out. One of the fighting men had gotten into another vehicle and left the scene, leaving his opponent behind. The man was under the influence of alcohol and became aggressive when nobody offered assistance.

While on the line with our member, the intoxicated man began to approach her. We advised her to keep a safe distance and to remain around trusted people. Fortunately, she managed to get to her vehicle and lock the doors before leaving the scene safely.  In the meantime, we dispatched SAPS to attend to the problem.

Dispatcher : SA48 Savannah 
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

#TrackBox #SACAN #Teamwork #DispatcherFiles #TrackBox_Helps #Download_the_App @SAPS

*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.