Items stolen from vehicle at Shopping Centre

Dispatcher Files

We received a call from a member recently reporting that items had been stolen from her vehicle. The member who is based in Gauteng, and her partner were at a Shopping Centre. They had left the vehicle locked in the car park while they completed their shopping. They had a luggage bag and 2 Backpacks locked in the vehicle.

On returning to the vehicle they found that the 3 items had been stolen. They were certain that they had locked the vehicle, and so it is suspected the thieves had used remote jamming to gain access.

We called our members insurance company on her behalf and were advised that she would need to lay a claim for the lost items. Fortunately her policy did cover the lost contents. We advised our member to report the case to SAPS in order to supply the SAPS case number to the insurance company.

Our member was understandably upset about this incident but we were able to keep her calm and assist her by making contact with the necessary parties as well as reporting the incident to the Shopping Centre management on her behalf, who escalated further to their Security Service Providers.

Dispatcher: SA21 Mduduzi
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.