When coming onto shift you never know what kind of cases will come your way Cases may vary from accidental activation to far more serious matters.

On a day shift we had received information from one of the Captains we work with, that there has been a kidnapping of an adult. On receiving the information, we received vehicle information used in the crime as well. 

Thanks to @SNIPR cameras SAPS and our available software we have the means of helping those who work on the case to find the victim. 

It had been a long two days for teams working on this case, with us all sitting on the edge of our seats doing the best that we can. Finally we received the good news that the victim was found safely, the vehicle had been recovered with two suspects arrested.

It is both a pleasure and an honour working with these teams in fighting crime and keeping members of the community safe. Our hero’s that are out in the field and putting their lives at risk every day, are a true inspiration to work with. It is especially rewarding when the efforts produce a success and the good news is brought to those who assist and the friends and family members involved.

SA38 Stephanie Davies TrackBox ERPC National & International
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