Dispatcher Files

At 7 a.m. I received an activation from aTrackBox member stating that an African male had been stabbed and robbed. SAPS had been on scene since 6 a.m. but the State ambulance had not yet arrived. 

I followed the chain of messages back and finally managed to get hold of the SAPS officer on scene. He informed me that the victim had been stabbed in the back and the wound was bleeding profusely. The attacker had removed the knife and fled the scene. 

A civilian on scene assisted by putting pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. A local ambulance from ER24 was then dispatched to stabilise the victim until the State ambulance arrived. I followed up with the officer a while later and he said that both the State ambulance and ER24 had arrived at the same time and the victim was stable when they transported him to hospital.

In any emergency situation, please call the TrackBox ERPC immediately or use the TrackBox AAA Response app. 

Michelle (SA24)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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