Medical Emergency – Breathing Difficulties

Dispatcher Files

On my day shift during the midst of the Covid-19 second wave, just before logging off for shift change-over, I received a call from one of our AAA Response members in desperate need of an ambulance due to her grandmother falling and then being unresponsive, with shallow, very weak breathing.

Due to the overload of covid-19 cases that our paramedics are dealing with, all ambulance service providers had been on a delay due to the pandemic. As such, although we dispatched Netcare 911, the paramedics advised that they would be with her as soon as possible, but that services are severely delayed.

t Netcare 911 dispatched a support vehicle to the scene who on arrival stabilised the patient and advised that should her vitals change throughout the night, to call again in order to have her admitted to hospital where doctors could further examine her.

ERPC Dispatcher: Michael (SA37)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.