Medical – Gun Safety Tips

Dispatcher Files

In late December we received an urgent call from a member informing us that a police officer had accidentally shot himself in the stomach while cleaning his gun. He was rushed to hospital and underwent an emergency operation. On January 2nd we received the sad news that he had succumbed to his injuries. 


“It goes without saying that gun owners have a moral and legal responsibility to prevent guns from landing in the hands of criminals and any unauthorised persons. They must ensure that at all times they have effective control over their firearms, irrespective of whether the firearm is at home or on the person. 

A firearm on the person must be carried concealed in a holster or other suitable container and, at home (or the office), unless it is under your direct control, it must be locked away in a prescribed safe. It may not be left unattended in a vehicle.”

“Set the right example for your children by making your good gun manners and safety procedures clearly obvious even to the casual onlooker. Your first objective when in the presence of others – especially your children – should be to show them that you respect your firearms and that there are no exceptions to safety rules.”

In any emergency contact SAPS 10111 or the National ERPC using your AAA-Response app for Anything! Anytime! Anywhere!ERPC dispatcher:

Angal Brown (SA31)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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