Missing adult in Pietermaritzburg

Dispatcher Files

We received information about a missing adult in Pietermaritzburg.

After gathering all the information on the person I sent an alert out onto the TrackBox AAA app platform for our members and posted to all social media sites. Within a matter of minutes after posting the alert we received a lead as to the whereabouts of the missing person.

As the family made their way to the police station, we were excited at the news, and hoped that the information received would yield the desired result in locating the person. Shortly thereafter we received the good news that the person had been found.

When all of us as a community join hands to help one another, great results can be achieved. We are happy that the person was found in the end.


Steps to take when reporting a missing person
Since there is no waiting period it is best to report it to your nearest police station immediately, providing the following information:

✦ A recent clear photograph of the person
✦ A complete description of the missing person
✦ The last place seen or their expected destination
✦ What clothes they were wearing
✦ Complete and sign a SAPS 55(A) form. This form will protect the police if the report is a hoax, and could lead to the arrest of the person falsely reporting it.
✦ When you have been assigned an investigating officer (IO) keep his/her contact details and send them any further information that may come to light.
✦ If a missing person returns voluntarily, inform your investigation officer immediately, and fill in and sign a SAPS 92 form to enable the Bureau of Missing Persons to remove the missing person from the register.

ERPC Dispatcher: Mdu (SA21)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
https://trackbox.world | https://t.me/BriansPD

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.