Missing persons report

Dispatcher Files

We recently received an activation from one of our members requesting assistance with a missing persons report. He advised that the family was frantic as the person had been missing for nearly 2 days and was an elderly gentleman of 85 years old.

We made contact with the family of the missing person directly in order to get necessary details from them such as what he was wearing, if he had any mental health issues, and if he was on any form of medications. The family advised that he went nearly every morning for a walk and would be home within 30 to 40 mins, and that he would always tell them that he was going out on his walk. He would walk the exact same route every day. 

The family had been searching the route with other members of the community as well as security companies and neighbourhood watch members but there had been no sign of him. We published a local alert in order to spread the message as far as possible in the hopes to get him home as quickly as possible to his family.

A few days later we received reports that the person had been found near his home and was sadly deceased. Our sincerest  condolences to the family during this difficult time.

Dispatcher  : SA37 Michael
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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.