Motor vehicle accident

A panic activation was received by a TrackBox member just after 9 p.m. On calling the member I learned that he and his family had been involved in an accident with another vehicle. The member was in a state of panic as there were several people who had been seriously injured. 

I pinpointed his exact location very quickly from his TrackBox activation, which was helpful as the accident had occurred on a highway in a remote area. I immediately requested ambulance assistance from @Netcare 911 and also called the local SAPS to attend the scene. Netcare then dispatched two ambulances from nearby service providers. 

I followed up with the member several times before services arrived on scene and managed to establish that there seemed to be no serious injuries to the passengers of either vehicle. 

Approximately 20 minutes after the first call traffic police arrived on scene and the ambulance arrived a few minutes later.

Thanks go out to all emergency service personnel and police who attended the scene.

Michelle (SA24)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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