Poaching with dogs, a massive problem…

Dispatcher Files

ERPC Dispatchers are always on the alert for criminal activity and we look out beyond our local boundaries on a daily basis. 

Poaching with dogs is a massive problem in rural, semi-rural and peri-urban areas and unfortunately we find ourselves dealing with more and more poaching cases, almost on a daily basis. What were once rare occurrences have now become more frequent, and if you live in a rural/farming area these incidents could be happening right on your doorstep.

 A handful of people and a strong pack of hunting dogs can be detrimental to the environment and to our wildlife especially.  It is extremely important that we work together to put a stop to poaching of any wildlife as it is illegal and these crimes have long-lasting negative effects on the reserve ecosystem.

Please remember that we are able to dispatch the necessary services as, and when, these incidents arise. You can easily report poaching incidents by opening your TrackBox app, tapping the ‘REPORT’ icon at the top left of the dashboard, and then ‘POACHING WITH DOGS’. Type a brief report in the box, and then tap ‘SUBMIT’. We will do the rest and contact SAPS and anti-poaching units to track down the offenders.

Without a doubt, they can, and must be stopped.Kind Regards,

Savannah (SA48)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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