Safety tips to Keep in Mind when Driving Around

I received a call from a TrackBox member who had arrived home after dark and noticed someone running from her garage. Using the AAA Response app, she then activated a panic for assistance. After getting her details, I asked her to drive out of her driveway and around the block to make sure no-one was waiting for her or possibly watching her. I then phoned the local SAPS who then dispatched a vehicle to the address.

Shortly after, SAPS arrived on scene and did a sweep around the house and the yard to check that all was in order. Once they gave me the go-ahead that the property was safe, I called the resident back to let her know it was safe for her to return to her house. Security companies and local CPF members also patrolled the area for most of the night looking for anything suspicious or out of place. Our member was extremely grateful for all the services involved in helping her and making her feel safe. 

A few safety tips to keep in mind when driving around, especially at night:

  1. Before going anywhere make sure you have enough petrol in your tank so that if necessary you can drive around the block or drive to a safer location for example the nearest SAPS station.
  2. If you think you are being followed drive to a very well lit area / public place where there may be people to help you. Take note of the vehicle and vehicle registration number following you. You can send a GPS Voice Note to our control room from your AAA Response App with the Registration number which will automatically create a case and provide us with your gps location. 
  3. Always keep your vehicle windows closed and doors locked. 
  4. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings, noting anything out of place or suspicious individuals.
  5. Change your travelling routes and times if possible so that if someone has noted your routine you may be able to avoid any surprises, particularly when arriving home.
  6. Refrain from leaving your handbag or any other valuables in the car. Rather leave them locked in the boot when driving. Out of sight is out of mind to criminals.

SA38 Stephanie
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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