Snake Removal

Dispatcher Files

Among the many categories of assistance that we offer to our AAA Response (TrackBox) members, “snake and bee removal” is on the list.

The high summer months mean that snakes become very active and as a result we receive many callouts which are then referred to the approved snake handler for the area concerned.

Just after seven o’clock on a recent summer’s evening we received a call from a Kloof resident informing us that he had spotted a black mamba inside his house, which was causing his family to panic (understandably), so we called the “snake man” for the area who agreed to come out and capture it. He arrived within thirty minutes and did not take long to catch it and bag it safely, giving the family peace of mind.

If you come across a snake, remember the following:

  • Don’t try to kill or catch it – if left alone it will not be a threat
  • Call for a snake expert to come and remove the snake 
  • If you get bitten, call for medical help immediately, or transport the victim to hospital
  • If you are in a remote area, try to remain calm until help arrives
  • Remember to try and give an accurate description of the snake if it is no longer there as this will provide valuable insight to emergency services to ensure the correct antivenom is provided.

In any emergency, press your AAA-Response (TrackBox) button and we will endeavour to get the best help to you, as fast as possible..

Other incidents which can be reported via the TrackBox app include:

  • Roadside Assistance
  • Vehicle Checks
  • Poaching
  • Illegal Parking
  • Animal Welfare
  • Medical Emergencies
  • Crime, and much more

Steve (SA19)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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