Suspicious Vehicle Spotted and Reported

Dispatcher Files

While on my day-shift I received a voice note alert from a AAA Response (TrackBox) member informing us that a suspicious vehicle had been spotted in Kloof. 

The member had utilised the GPS Voice Note on his AAA Response (TrackBox) app. This feature allows a user to record a voice note of up to 30 seconds, informing the dispatcher of any crime alert or other emergency which they need assistance with, while simultaneously sending us your GPS location. 

This can be particularly useful if you are driving past an accident scene and can’t take a call as we can pinpoint your location. 

GPS Voice Note is the button on the lower left corner of your Premium AAA Response (TrackBox)  app.

ERPC Dispatcher:
Michael (SA37)

TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |
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