This illness causes a variety of emotional rollercoasters and physical problems

Dispatcher Files

Depression is a common illness in society, often leading to suicide attempts. This is a serious condition that affects the way you think and feel negatively. This illness causes a variety of emotional rollercoasters and physical problems, weight loss or gain, eating disorders, a huge lack of interest and a lack of sleep, or too much sleep.

Some of the calls that come through the control room for suicide/attempted suicide are depression-related.  For all those out there who are suffering from depression please do not feel shy or ashamed to get help or talk to somebody before your emotions make you lose control. There is always someone out there to help you and no one will judge you for the way you feel or for what you are going through.

Here at TrackBox/SA CAN we make sure that the much needed support systems are available to those who are in need of help. 

Stephanie (SA38)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
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