Tips for surviving the lockdown

Dispatcher Files

1. Keep to a routine
everyone is in unfamiliar territory with the current pandemic, so keeping some normality and routine is vital. Try to get up and go to bed at your normal time. 

2. Variety is the spice of life
A variety of activities will help stave off any boredom. When you aren’t working you can re energise yourself, even if you are stuck at home by trying different activities such as gardening, diy projects, board games, movies, baking, painting or arts and crafts etc. 

3. Regular exercise & fresh air
exercise is often the first thing to fall behind when our daily routine is disrupted. Exercise not only keeps us physically well, but is also a great way to de-stress and protect our mental health. 

4. Healthy eating
like exercise, when our routine is disrupted or we get stressed, eating habits can quickly deteriorate. Try and eat regular meals. Avoid too much snacking and stick to more healthy snack options.

5. Limit social media & news feeds
it’s great to stay informed, but getting obsessive and tuning in all the time for updates can be detrimental to your mental health and make you feel anxious and scared. 

6. Help neighbours
elderly, unwell, or immobile neighbours are going to be at greater risk during this period. You can help by checking up on them telephonically, or doing their shopping for them. Remember to maintain social distancing and safety measures to make sure you minimise their and your risk. 

7. Stay connected, make the most of technology
we are fortunate to live in an age where there are a huge number of ways to keep connected. Just because you are in isolation doesn’t mean you can’t keep in contact with your loved ones via telephone or video call.

8. Support local businesses
restaurants, bars and local shops have taken a big hit this year, and without support may struggle to survive. 

9. Look after your mental health
by taking care of yourself, both physically and emotionally you will protect your mental health. As mentioned, routine, exercise and avoiding too much social media/news can all aid in safeguarding your mental health. 

10. Relax, give yourself a break
You need time to adjust to your new lifestyle and juggling working from home with regular homelife and routines can be tough. Adding to this that many families are having to homeschool their children simultaneously. Take time for yourself to re energise and rest and coping with all the new changes around you will become more achievable.  

ERPC Dispatcher: Lihle (SA49)
TrackBox ERPC National & International
08616-87225 |

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*Dispatcher files are reports detailing the experience of the dispatcher as they deal with emergencies and so are recorded after the fact.